How can I track my order?
If your order hasn't arrived yet and is on the way, you can track it. You will find a tracking link in your delivery confirmation email once your order is handed over to the courier. Check your email inbox for this email.
There can be occasions where the email appears in the spam folder of your emails. Please check those frequently as well.
For every country we work with there are different delivery companies, these are listed below.
Here is a list of countries and their tracking sites where you can track your order until it is delivered:
Tracking URLs List
| Tracking link
| Tracking number example
| |
| | 0280410280410000503808 |
Netherlands | | 3SWRE900383842 |
Sweden | | 6551816660 |
Poland | | 520000015800068109957717 |
United Kingdom | | FF673975251GB |
Ireland | | A90000139736 |
France | | XA044864892FR |
Germany | | 29617121362 |
Switzerland | | 996001072710017005 |
Belgium | | 5212099595418 |
South Africa | | PNJ62131222 |
Italy | | M7630488842 |
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